It has been a common observation after an accreditation visit and program evaluation of an orthopaedic residency program by The Philippine Board of Orthopaedics that one of the causes of downgrading or non-accreditation of the program is the performance of residents during the In-service Training, Qualifying and Diplomate written examinations which is one of the must-pass criteria for the training program to be qualified for accreditation.

A frequent reason given by the consultants of the department for the poor performance during examinations is that Training programs have no control over the quality of applicants accepted to their residency training program. Whoever applies to the department and the number is just enough to fill up their vacancies, they then have no other choice but to accept these resident applicants no matter what they perceive of them as being qualified or not to undergo the rigors of their training program.

To help the departments in getting the best applicants to undergo their training programs, it was deemed essential by the Board to establish the National Orthopaedic  Residency Assistance Program (NORAP) to provide a pool of resident applicants best suited to the strengths and capabilities of the department to undergo the training program and for the resident applicant himself


This regionalization is for the purpose of helping the resident applicant decide where to apply depending on his/her area of residence and giving him/her a bird’s eye view of the available training programs with no prejudice to applying to a training program outside of the region of his/her residence.

New Programs

Group I – North Luzon

Group II – Diliman Linkage

Group III: North Manila

Group IV: South Manila

Group V: Central Visayas

Group VI: West Visayas

Group VII: Mindanao

The information published on this website will serve as a marketing strategy for each training program so that their strengths as a training program will be known by a greater number of applicants and encourage the best among them to apply to their program.